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Are you a solo traveler? 5 Ways to meet people while traveling from a woman who has traveled solo on 5 continents. Solo travel tips from the travel blog: Travel-Break.netThe best part of traveling isn’t always the where, but the who.

You have to meet new people… that’s the best part!

As a typically outgoing person, I still hit a brick wall while traveling solo. I’ve tried a few different techniques and hope some of them work for you too.

Here’s what’s worked for me:

1. Carry a deck of cards.

“Hey, have you ever played King’s Cup?”

I’m serious. There’s nothing like getting a group of people together and suggesting a drinking game or non-alcoholic card game (I like the game “Bullsh*t” too).

You can teach them a game from your country, and they can teach you a game from theirs. Before you know it, the ice is broken and everyone is laughing.

From backpacker bars in Rio, trains in Eastern Europe, and organizing Aussie road trips for people who don’t know each other, this has been my #1 conversation starter.

2. Everyone loves food, so why not love food together… 

“Hey, what are you doing for dinner tonight? I’m getting a group together to split groceries and cook together. Throw in some brews, are you interested?”

This works in hostels, with locals, and even if you all want to eat out before going out. It’s nice to chat with people and get a taste of who they are before going straight out to experience a night out on the town.

Alternatively, ask if they’ve heard of any good restaurants nearby that you could check out together.

3. Ask for directions or suggestions on what to do/see. Even better: ask someone to take a picture of you!

Photography is a great way to meet new people!

“Hey what’s the best place to get some good pictures around here?” or “Where do all the locals go on a Saturday night?” “Can you suggest a scenic place for a jog?” “Do you mind taking a picture? I don’t want to a take a selfie!”

If you’re situated around public transport, around locals in a social setting, or even around other travelers who have been in town for a couple days, have a chat about their recommendations. There’s a good chance that you will end up exploring together! Sometimes asking someone to take a picture of you leads into a “where are you from?” and “what are you doing here?” Oh hi, new friend. Awesome.

4. Joke about the truth: you don’t know anyone and are looking to meet new people.

“How do you guys all know each other?” and “Where are you from?” are great ways of leading into: “I’m Stephanie, I’m actually traveling solo. It’s kinda crazy, but I’m always looking to meet up with other travelers (or locals). Want to join me on a hike

[to grab a bite, to go for a swim etc]?”

I’m all about pulling a Slim Shady (pointing out your weaknesses). If you see another group of travelers and have started a conversation, go ahead and point out that you are traveling solo or with a friends or two and that you want to do something together.

5. Do the whole: post on Facebook to see if anyone knows anyone in that city. 

“Hey, does anyone know anyone in Barcelona? I’ll be there March 10-16 and would love some tips! Maybe someone to meet up with as well.”

Friends of friends are the best travelers to meet up with. Chances are that you’ll get along just fine. You can also meet other travelers on – –  you don’t have to stay with them to post a message about meeting up. A friend of mine saw Europe by making friends via Tinder. It doesn’t hurt to download the dating app and write “Traveler in town for the weekend. Looking to meet someone to show me around.” The more open-minded you are, the better your chance will be to meet new people!

Stay safe though! Check 21 Tricks to Staying Safe Abroad and 5 Mobile Apps for Safer Travel!

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